Life In Hallow
Hallow has a lively social and sporting scene with Hallow Village Community Group staging events and social activities for all age groups during most of the year. Many such activities take place on Hallow Playing Field and the Village Green – both of which are owned and maintained by the Parish Council.
The Parish Council also maintains the Old Church Yard and the area beyond the Playing Field known as Holly Bank where equipment is provided for children and young people too large to use the play facilities next to the Parish Hall.
What to see and do in Hallow
The village is bounded on its East side by the River Severn and its profile is that of a ridge along which the A442 runs and which roughly follows the river towards Holt Heath.
Hallow has an active History Group, a thriving Scouts Group and W.I., a well-supported church community and many footpaths with which to take in the splendour of the views of the surrounding countryside with the Malvern Hills visible to the South West and Woodbury Hill to the North West.
See Local Links page for our directory
Village Steeped In History
The earliest records of the village’s existence date to 816 A.D. during the reign of Coenwulf of Mercia when Hallow belonged to Worcester Cathedral. By the middle of the 11th century, the ownership had changed to Worcester Priory and it is recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 that Hallow had two mills. In the 1970s flint axe heads were found in the village which indicates human presence from the Paleolithic period.
The village is the birthplace of Lord Nuffield (Founder of the Austin Morris car manufacturer) and the diplomat and historian Stewart Perowne. During the 1680s Hallow was the home of William Careless who helped Charles II by hiding him in the oak tree.
Interested in learning more about Hallow's history? Take a look at the Hallow History Group website.
Hallow Parish Church
(St. Philip & St. James)
The earliest church of Hallow was situated on the bank of the River Severn and was demolished in 1830 where it was replaced by a simple structure until 1869.
St. Philip & St James church started construction in 1867 and was consecrated two years later on the new site. See the Hallow History Group page here....
The Benefice Of Hallow & Grimley with Holt
Improving Biodiversity and Habitats in Hallow
Biodiversity and habitat loss have been important topics of late- the Extinction programme from David Attenborough certainly focused the mind! Interestingly Parish Councils have a legal duty to consider biodiversity when carrying out their functions. So, in July 2020 Hallow Parish Council commissioned and received a report from Worcestershire Wildlife Trust on how best to manage the various bits of land that the parish owns, and how to improve biodiversity and habitats for wildlife. The report focused on the following sites:
• Hollybank, Recreation Field, and land behind the Scout Hut
• The Green
• The Old Churchyard
The report has given important advice about grassland management, improvement to hedgerows, management and maintenance of the Old Churchyard, and suggestions for habitat improvement including bat boxes, leaving areas a little untidy (e.g. fallen wood), maintenance of woodland belts, and consideration of some wildflower planting. The report has already informed the improvements to the Old Churchyard.
The link to the “Hallow Ecological Management Plan” is below the photographs.
Contact the Clerk, Anne Stark on 07973 395 961 or email hallowparishcouncil@gmail.com

The area behind the Scout Hut full of cow parsley

Aging hawthorn within the sloping grassland – ideal nesting habitat for birds.

Old Churchyard- Longer grassland in areas of open canopy.
Worcester - Historic & Modern City
The Parish of Hallow is situated around three miles north of the centre of Worcester.
For more information see the website here...

Malvern & District
Hallow is an independent parish in the Malvern Hills District

For more information of the Malvern Hills and the surrounding area
visit the Malverns website here...